GVEA’s Fuel and Purchased Power rate, which is updated quarterly, decreased by 0.832¢ on September 1, from 12.889¢ to 12.057¢ per kilowatt hour (kWh). This rate is in effect through November 30.
The decrease is a result of planned outages for scheduled maintenance being shorter than forecast. In the coming months it is expected that fuel prices will remain stable and there are only minimal planned outages for maintenance.
The Fuel and Purchased Power rate is a straight pass-through. GVEA’s members are only charged the actual cost to generate and purchase power, there is no mark-up. This charge is an estimate of what GVEA anticipates will be its costs over the next three months to generate and purchase the energy necessary to meet the electrical needs of its members and a true up of any over-collected or under-collected amounts from the prior quarter.